Mwalimu Abwang Family Foundation (MAFF) is a small family foundation with an open heart to societal transformation through education, savings and financial literacy, health and sanitation and rural farming.
MAFF activities have been fully funded by savings and contributions from family members. However, due to the large number of beneficiaries, we welcome support from well-wishers and everyone willing to transform the life of one or many generations.
Having lived, grown, and emerged successful from the same disadvantaged communities the family members still live in, we therefore draw from our little earnings, put in a family pot, and support educational and other livelihood activities beneficial to our society.
At the beginning, MAFF extended educational financial support in the form of tuition fees, pocket money and other scholastic support to family members and relatives only. Currently, MAFF is supporting other disadvantaged children and families within the society and beyond. We encourage the supported beneficiary(ies) to commit to continually extend the support to ensure sustainability of MAFF activities, represent MAFF values wherever they abode, and support MAFF fundraising activities.
We invite you to read more about our activities, give us feedback and support us with every little help because it will surely bring a lasting joy to an individual or a generation.
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Events Calendar View all
Primary and Secondary School Beneficiaries
- Uganda and Tanzania schools
Certificate and Diploma Beneficiaries
- Institutions in Uganda
Calendar for University Beneficiaries - 2023/24 cohort
- Universities in Uganda